
14.1 Study Administration

Access Rights
Study Summary
Modify existing Study data
View Study data
Create new Versions
Modify existing Versions data
View Versions data
Create new Sections
Modify existing Sections data
View Sections data
Upload new documents and add new URLs
Modify existing Appendix data
View Appendix data
Study Setup / Notifications / Admin Schedule / Combined Budget*
Add new settings, add new Event Status notifications, a calendar to the Admin Schedule tab, and a combined budget
For users to add a calendar from the Calendar Library, their group must have Viewing rights for the calendar library.
Modify existing settings, notification, patient/admin calendars and forms
View existing settings, notification, patient/admin calendars and forms
Study Status
Add new statuses
Modify existing Study Statuses
View the Study Statuses
View Study Reports
View the study reports
Study Team
Add new study team members and define access rights
Modify existing study team members and define access rights
View study team members
Study Notifications
Add new study notifications
View study notifications
Add milestones, invoices, appendix, and payments under the Financial Summary tab
Modify milestones, invoices, appendix, and payments under the Financial Summary tab
View the Financial Summary tab.
To view milestones, view access must be provided at the group level.
Financial Details
Add a new cost to an event for a study calendar
Modify the event details for an event on a study calendar
When this right is provided, the Edit and View rights must be provided for Study Setup / Notifications / Admin Schedule / Combined Budget as well
View the event details to an event for a study calendar
When this right is provided, the View right must be provided for Study Setup / Notifications / Admin Schedule / Combined Budget as well
Add a new submission on the WCG IRB tab
Modify drafts, download outcome documents
View submissions and submission statuses