
5.2.1 Add Links

Users can add links to the My Links section of their default homepage using the Personalize menu.
To add new links to the My Links section of the default homepage:
1.    Click the Personalize menu in the upper-left hand corner of the screen and select My Links.
The My Links page displays:
2.    Add new links by clicking the Add News Links link on the right side of the screen.
The Enter Link Details page displays:
3.    Enter the required information into the available fields including Section Heading, URL, and Description details. The description entered here will be the active link visible on the user’s homepage within the My Links gadget.
 Note:   Section headings organize your links by grouping them together under the same description. If you would like multiple URLs to display under the same section heading, enter the same section heading text for each entry. Ensure that any documents you add to an existing heading uses the same spelling and punctuation that was used in the existing section heading.
 Warning:   When entering a URL, it must contain either http:// or https:// for the links to work properly. Failing to do so will result in broken, unusable links.
4.    To save the new links, enter your e-Signature in the field at the bottom of the page and click the Submit button.
The new links have been added and now display within the My Links section of the default Homepage and on the My Links page.
My Links page view:
Default Homepage view: