
5.4 Password / e-Signature

Your password and e-Signature are integral security features of Velos eResearch. Your password is used to securely log into the Velos eResearch application. Your e-Signature is a secure key unique to your account, which is required to finalize virtually any data change or action within the application. For security reasons or preference, it may be necessary to change your password or e-Signature on occasion. Velos eResearch offers the ability to change both your password and e-Signature using the Personalize menu.
To change your password:
1.    Click on the Personalize menu and select Password/e-sign.
The Password/e-Signature page will display:
2.    To change your password, check the “Check if you want to change your password.” box and type your current and new password into the required fields. Note that a minimum of 8 characters are required for a valid password.
Criteria for choosing a valid password:
       Do not reuse password from last 10 passwords.
       Password must contain at least 3 out of four given below characters sets:
      English upper case (A through Z).
      English lower case (a through z).
      Numeral (0 through 9).
      Special character (e.g., () ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * - + = | \ { } [ ] : ; ” ’ < > , . ? / )
       Password and username may never be the same.
       More than 2 consecutive same characters are not allowed.
       Spaces are not permitted.
If you want to simultaneously, or separately change your e-Signature, check the “Check if you want to change your e-Signature” box and enter your current and new e-Signature into the required fields.
 Note:   A minimum of 4 digits is required for a valid e-Signature.
3.    After adding your new password and/or e-Signature, enter your current e-Signature and click the Submit button.
Your new password and/or e-Signature have been updated successfully.
 Note:   You must log out of the system for your new settings to take effect.