
6.3 Groups

Groups define access permissions for users within Velos eResearch. Groups are used to control permissions for a defined set of users by permission types. Within each permission type, a permission can be defined as the ability to create a new element, edit an element, or simply read an element. If a group is not given permission to any of these functions for a permission type, any sections or UI elements related to this permission type will not be visible to users assigned to that group. For more information on permission types, see Appendix A – Permission Types. Permissioned users can add, edit and delete groups, define the super-user group and add users to groups.
eResearch Enterprise comes with one default group, which is for Administration users, while eResearch eXpress comes with four default groups: Admin, Management, Finance, and Patient Management.
 Note:   It is recommended that users not change the access rights within the default groups.  Best practice would be to create a new Group containing the desired permissions and types for each and fully documenting within the Description field the purpose for the group.