
8.13.2 Review Submissions

The following section describes how to check the status of a submission using the WCG IRB tab of a Study.
 Warning:   Changes in status for a submission will refresh each time you load a study’s WCG IRB tab. Therefore, you must open / refresh the WCG IRB tab of a study for any changes in WCG IRB review status to be pulled into WCG Velos eResearch.
To review a submission:
1.    Click on the WCG IRB tab of a study.
The WCG IRB page displays. All submissions (including draft submissions) display on the left side of the page in information cards.
 Note:   You can filter the submission results using the Status or Created from fields at the top of this page. You can also search for a specific submission by typing a partial or complete search term into the Search Submissions field.
2.    Locate a specific submission information card to see its current status.
Review the following diagram to learn more about the information available in the submission information cards:
1.    Submission Status – Displays the current submission status. Review the table below for more information about each status’ meaning.
2.    Submission Name – Displays the name given to this submission.
3.    Submission Details – Displays important submission details including submission date, tracking number, IRB tracking number, and any notes added to the submission.
4.    More Details Link – Click the more details > link to display the Submission Type and Submission Group Type as defined when the submission was made.
This submission is a draft, which means it has been started, but not submitted. Clicking on a submission information card with this status allows you to continue the submission process as described in the Submit Documents for WCG IRB Review section.
IRB Review is complete. Outcome documents may be attached to this submission for your records. See  Download Submitted and Outcome Documents for more information.
Post-Panel Processing
The submission is currently in Post-Panel Review processing or awaiting a signature for finalization.
The submission is being processed in preparation for panel review.
The submission has been successfully received by the IRB team, and is in the process of being added to the review queue.
Received Submission
Formal confirmation of receipt by the IRB.
Submission is currently being reviewed by the IRB panel.
The submission results have been successfully transmitted from the WCG IRB database back to the Velos eResearch database.
The submission process in WCG Velos eResearch was completed, but this submission is in queue, waiting to be transferred to the IRB database.