Index Copy a Form

Velos eResearch offers a means to copy existing forms and make modifications to the copy using the Copy an Existing Form link on the Form Library page, or the Copy button within the Libraries menu.
To copy an existing form:
1.    Navigate to the form library and click on the Copy an Existing Form link in the upper-left hand corner of the screen.
Click the Libraries menu in the upper-left hand corner of the screen, and select Copy under the heading “Forms”.
The Copy Form page displays:
2.    Enter the form name and select a form category at the top of the Copy Form page. For more information about form categories, see how to Add a Form Category.
3.    Select the existing form that you would like to copy by clicking the checkbox on the right side of the Copy Form page next to the corresponding form, enter your e-Signature and click Submit. For more information about configuring forms, see Forms Management.